Want to serve on the next DWHSA Advisory Council?
We’re forming a new DWHSA Advisory Council – and, we invite you to submit your name to be considered!
You must be a current DWHSA member in good standing to serve on the council for a 24-month term. We’re seeking members from all types and sizes of romance travel agencies and from all parts of the United States, Canada, and other countries where we have members.
The time commitment will be very manageable. We plan to hold two online council meetings each year (they operate as webinar sessions – you’ll log in from your computer and dial in to participate), with emails sent between meetings a few times a year and a private Facebook group to solicit your input on projects and issues affecting the association.
Please complete the form below if you’d like to submit your name for consideration – thanks! (The deadline for applying is May 1, 2019.)