We’d like to coordinate a bulk order with DWHSA members to purchase wedding web site packages from Appy Couple for the 2022 calendar year.
Appy Couple offers amazing designs for wedding web sites, and its standard USD$49 package includes the site plus a mobile app for wedding guests and digital invitations the couple may choose to send. If we can get enough DWHSA members to purchase Appy Couple packages in advance, we can get a 30 percent discount on those packages! (That discounted price is $34.30, but DWHSA must mark it up to account for credit card charges collecting fund from members – so, the final price will be roughly $35.50.)
To qualify for the bulk order, we must buy a minimum of 100 packages upfront. If you participate in the order, we’d need to collect your funds by late December to have the packages ready for you to use with your couples by early January.
If you’d be interested in buying discounted Appy Couple wedding web site packages for your 2022 couples, please complete the form below by Dec. 15. We’ll announce then if we have sufficient interest to meet the 100-package minimum, and if so we’ll ask you to pay by the end of December. Please contact us at support@dwhsa.com or 615.730.9977 if you have questions – thanks!