Recording Date: Wed., March 20, 2013
- Lisa Sheldon – DWHSA Executive Director (serving as moderator)
- Wendy Dall – That Travel Lady (Illinois)
- Glenda Moultrie – L&L Travel and Tours (Maryland)
- Joy Ross – Travel Journeys (Castle Rock, CO)
“Dealing With Difficult Clients” audio recording – Part 1
“Dealing With Difficult Clients” audio recording – Part 2
(If you have a PC comuter, you may “left click” on these links to listen to the recordings now on your computer, or “right click” on these links to save the recording files onto your own computer to listen later or to transfer to your phone, iPod, etc. If you have a Mac computer, you should see instructions on your screen when you simply click on each link.)
NOTE: These MP3 audio recording files are very large – more than 23MB apiece! – so they may take a bit of time to download. If you encounter problems listening to the recordings or saving the files onto your computer, please send us an email and we’ll follow up with you!